This course covers an introduction to the concept of mentalizing, and its use in clinical work with children in middle childhood (5-12) and their parents. It will provide an overview of the development of mentalizing in middle childhood, and how it can be assessed; an introduction to a time-limited model of MBT-C; and will give opportunities to practice specific skills for working with children from a mentalizing perspective, as well as the parallel work with parents.This is the first step in becoming certified as an MBT-C therapist.
Dr. Karin Ensink
(Laval University, Quebec)
Dr. Norka Malberg
(Yale Child Study Center, New Haven)
Clinicians - $500 (by 6/15), $550 (after 6/15)
CCNY Alumni - $250
Non-CCNY Students - $100 (by 6/15),
$125 (after 6/15)
CCNY Students - $25